Articles and Reviews

Friday, May 28, 2004

Indian Folk Epics:The Story of Manteswamy

Of the twin oral epics of Kannada, while Male Madeshwara is the first, Manteswamy is the second; and there are many similarities between the two. Both Madeshwara and Manteswamy are cult-heroes, and both, being contemporaries, might have come down to the South from Kalyana, the centre of Veerashaivism, in the north. The long journey

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Indian Folk Epics: The Story of Madeshwara

There are two very long and most widely sung naratives in Kannada: Male Madheshwara and Manteswamy. Both these can be called cult epics to differentiate them from historical/fictional narratives.

The first scholar to collect Male Madheshwara was Dr. P.K.Rajashekhara in 1972. He,

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Indian Folk Epics

Welcome to this blog for the study of Indian Folk Epics. I foresee this site as a symbol of " common pursuit of true judgment," as Eliot put it. ( However, I would like "judgment" to be replaced by" knowledge" -- I am afraid of using the word "Truth." )


A) Education: Honours and Master's degrees in English literature and language from Mysore university (India); Ph.D. in British Drama from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio); LL.B. (Shivaji Univ.); and Dip. T. E. (CIE & F.L, Hyderabad).
B) Teaching:  Graduate & Post-graduate courses in English literature and language in different universities including Miami University, Mangalore University, and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).